Thursday, January 5, 2017

Eating rice will make you gain weight??

This is in fact a myth.....Rice is in fact a clean carbohydrate from nature therefore it is processed more readily and easily than other unnatural carbs such as flour based products like pasta or bread. The trick to eating rice is not to eat it alone. Because rice is a refined grain eating it causes your appetite to increase which in turn which would cause you to want to consume more than you would if you did not eat it. Of course if you appetite opens up and you consume more food, this is what would lead to weight gain over time. Because rice is a fiber, eating it in healthy amounts would actually help you lose weight significantly, just be sue to accompany it with something that would fill you up, such as some legumes and proteins to help fill you up and you will not only maintain a healthy body weight but also a very well functioning digestive system. 

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Ditch COW milk and achieve all your fitness goals

Did you know that half of the reason why you cannot lose weight and get healthy is because you consume dairy and dairy containing products. 

Here is a breakdown of what you are putting into your body when you drink cow's milk: 

  • Genetically modified chemicals, meant for a cow!
  • Antibiotics, meant for a cow!
  • Growth hormones, meant for a cow!
And, if you're thinking organic milk is better, it is not, Organic milk is still homogenized and therefore extremely unhealthy for the human body. Milk is known to cause chemical imbalances in men and women and interfere with alot of the bodies natural chemical and metabolic processes. 

So, here is the challenge, cut milk and milk containing items out of your diet watch your body transform before your eyes into its healthiest state ever. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Did you know! Sleep is 50% of fitness?!

Never skip dinner: "If the body has not consumed enough energy, sleep will be fragmented. One must eat enough to make it through until morning," explains INSV president Damien Léger. The evening meal should be hearty yet balanced and easy to digest.

Have meat for lunch, slow carbohydrates for dinner: Foods that are rich in protein, such as meat, tend to heighten vigilance, so those who have trouble falling asleep may wish to avoid them later in the day. For dinner, focus instead on slow carbohydrates -- such as potatoes, whole wheat pasta or brown rice — and dairy products, both of which are known to promote sleep. It is also important to have dinner two to three hours before turning in for the night.

Make herbal tea a bedtime ritual: Certain plants are known for their calming effects, and teas brewed from linden, chamomile, passion flower, are among those that can help ease the body into sleep. An evening cup of herbal tea is particularly effective when part of a relaxing routine performed each night in a calm, sleep-friendly environment.

Limit caffeine in the afternoon: Most insomniacs know to avoid coffee and caffeinated sodas in the afternoon, but it is important to remember that cocoa and tea are also to be consumed in moderation. Caffeine takes several hours to be eliminated from the body: half of the amount consumed is still present in the blood stream four to five hours after the last sip. For this reason, it is recommended to avoid these substances after 3 p.m.

Avoid the temptation of a nightcap: "Alcohol impacts sleep in two phases, facilitating it before interfering with it later on," says Joëlle Adrien of the INSV. While it may help lull an individual to sleep shortly after consumption, it can cause problems a few hours later, leading to lighter sleep and more frequent waking through the night, or even nightmares and sleep apnea.